Master of Science in Graphic Design

Mississippi College

Clinton, Mississippi, USA
Master of Science in Graphic Design
Duration1.5-2 Years
LevelMasters Program
  • Graphic design includes digital illustration, it also comprises much more than that. It is the art of communicating, stylizing and problem-solving through type and image
  • The Master of Science in Graphic Design is a 30-hour advanced graduate degree in the graphic design field, helping students mature as experienced design professionals, capable of taking their place in the professional or educational world
  • Students will study course like:- Computer Illustration, Interactive Design, Graduate Photography, Interactive Design, etc.
Fees componentsAmount
Tuition & fees874486 INR
Registration Fee33690 INR
Technology Fee8789 INR
Health Services Fee8056 INR
Total50535 INR

Entry Criteria

Class 12thNo specific cutoff mentioned
Bachelors2.5 GPA
  • Applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree in graphic design, art, public relations, or communications with at least 18 hours of graphic design related course work
  • Applicants are required to have an undergraduate GPA of 2.5 or above
ExamsTOEFL: 79


PTE: 52

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