B.S.Cp.E. in Computer Engineering

The University of Mississippi

Oxford, Mississippi, USA
B.S.Cp.E. in Computer Engineering
Duration4 Years
LevelBachelors Program
  • The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering program prepares students to have an understanding of computer hardware, software, and electrical engineering fundamentals, thereby acquiring knowledge to develop and/or apply many kinds of computing systems, such as microprocessors, computers, smartphones, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices
  • Students in the program will have knowledge of computer programming languages, hardware description languages, digital logic design, computer organization, electrical and electronic circuit design, and processing of electrical signals
  • Students will create the ability of students to apply mathematical and statistical methods for understanding, development, and applications of computing devices
  • This course is offered in specialisations like Manufacturing and Standard Option
Fees componentsAmount
Tuition & fees1830268 INR
Hostel & Meals669414 INR
Insurance169477 INR
Transportation190424 INR
Books87888 INR
International Service Charge14648 INR
Other Miscellaneous Service/Health 15747 INR
Personal183100 INR
Capital Improvements Fee7324 INR
Total1338022 INR

Entry Criteria

Class 12thNo specific cutoff mentioned
  • Evidence of college preparatory curriculum, achieving a minimum 3.00 cumulative high school grade-point-average on a 4.00 scale (or its equivalent)
  • The college-preparatory curriculum includes subjects like English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Advanced electives, Computer Applications, and Eighth Grade Units
ExamsTOEFL: 79


PTE: 53

SAT: 580
  • A student must have earned a 25 or higher on the Math portion SAT or a C or higher on the Cambridge O-Level Examination) AND have a core high school GPA of 3.0 or higher

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