Major in Computing Science

Jacksonville University

Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Major in Computing Science
Duration4 Years
LevelBachelors Program
  • The Computing Science program is designed to prepare students with a strong programming foundation and a broad perspective of the discipline
Fees componentsAmount
Tuition & fees2685711 INR
Hostel & Meals832739 INR
Insurance155562 INR
Residence Hall Damage Deposit7324 INR
Total995625 INR

Entry Criteria

Class 12thNo specific cutoff mentioned
  • A cumulative score of 3.5 gpa is required
ExamsTOEFL: 79


SAT: 500
math and evidence-based reading and writing
PTE: 53

Additional info

•Certified copies of academic credentials.

• Transcripts.

•one letter of recommendation and proof of English language proficiency is required.

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